Snoring is the result of this and it is indeed a nuisance. So if you want to help yourself and your partner then the solution is pretty simple, all you have to do is to get an air cleaner/purifier and a peaceful, soundless sleep is guaranteed.
There are myriad reasons behind a person being forced to breathe through his mouth instead of the nose. Air purifiers can play an instrumental role in eradicating the problems which basically cause the nasal blockage. People who have a hard time breathing in the daytime also have trouble at night when they go to sleep. Once they go to sleep, the airways again become relaxed and cause the person to breathe through his mouth instead of his nose which eventually leads him/her to snore.
Air cleaners and purifiers are designed in a way that they screen out all dust particles in the air which can cause allergies and also filter out all harmful bacteria and germs from the air that cause flu or colds. A cold blocks the airways again and once the sinus is full, you get this feeling that you can’t breathe. This again forces you to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. Snoring over an extended period of time can also lead to health issues. Air cleaners and purifiers are the ultimate solution to rid you of the pain that is caused by snoring.
Smoking also contributes towards nasal blockage. For a non-smoker, passive smoking can be injurious to health. If you live with someone who smokes then you would know that even their clothes smell of smoke. Anything they touch even gets contaminated with the smell and carbon toxins. Air purifier’s eliminate the smell of smoke and whatever little traces are left of it in the air. This would make you healthier and fresh!